The Cost of Organizing the
Writing the Next World Retreat

We believe in supporting a living wage and fairly compensate our partners for their expertise and time. Our pricing structure and business model are designed to create the revenues that allow us to do this. This approach includes everyone we work with, from experts to food suppliers to drivers and so on. The reality is that a five day, international retreat involves a large number of people whose work may not immediately be visible.

We recognize that Ireland is in the midst of a housing and energy crisis. Not only was the pandemic a challenge for those in the hospitality industry, the rising cost of rent coupled with the skyrocketing cost of energy and the recent VAT increase means that a lot of the restaurants and small businesses we support have had to close their doors over the past couple of years. Those who remain have had no choice but to raise their prices.

Writing the Next World is not a traditional retreat in that it involves an international dimension alongside a residential component that includes all meals, ground transportation onsite and to extracurricular activities, and engagement with local creatives.

Unlike other writing retreats, we do not have any foundational support to offset our costs. We understand that the price may be prohibitive to some, and are doing our best to make partial scholarships available where possible.